Black seed oil derived from the seeds of flowering plants belonging to the buttercup species known as Nigella Sativa have been referred to as the ‘curative black seed’ since biblical times.
Perhaps it’s reputation comes from the traditional uses in prevention and treatment of illnesses such as asthma, diarrhoea, high LDL cholesterol & triglycerides, type 2 diabetes. Research has found they also boast impressively potent immune protection properties. Nigella Sativa seeds (also known as ‘Black Cumin’) and oil contain an active compound called thymoquinone which has been studied for its antimicrobial protection against viruses, bacteria and some types of fungi.
Black cumin has a distinct pungent aroma and unique flavour that enhances the many dishes such as curries, soups, fish and works well baked into bread. The cold-pressed black seed oil can be purchased from reputable suppliers for both topical application with a carrier oil and also internally consumption (max 15 ml per day).