
Marco Pasolini

Consultant Osteopath

Marco undertook an extensive six year training as an osteopath in Italy, including a solid education in cranio-sacral, visceral and structural Osteopathy attending a paediatric clinic for three years in the college, before coming to the UK in 2013.

In the year following his arrival he followed the necessary pathway to gain registration to the GOSC (General Osteopathic Council). He is also a member of The Osteopathic Sports Care Association (OSCA).

Marco was a cyclist of Malnatese and Bustese cycling teams in Italy and rode semi-professionally for Colombina cycling team. In 2003, because of his profound life-long interest in road cycling Marco started a degree in Sport Science. During his Sports Science course he became aware of osteopathy and the benefits of this approach to health for sports people.

He furthered his studies, taking a DO in Osteopathy in 2012. Marco uses a specific biomechanical and postural assessment, along with very specific visceral and cranial techniques to support remedial exercise along side a very natural and skilled manual touch. Marco is a highly trained professional with a thorough background in managing patients needs and sportspeople injuries by supporting high performance. He has over 10 years of experience in clinical practice by managing musculoskeletal disorders and hopes to continue training into the future.

He is experienced in handling complex cases that require a multidisciplinary approach and takes a special interest in Osteopathy in the fields of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Sports. As an undergraduate Marco gained three years of experience treating babies and expectant mums and young children. His skill in this area is reflected in the positive outcomes he achieves in his clinical practice.

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Claire Fitchie

Senior Osteopath & Sports Massage

Claire has been a practicing therapist for over nine years having graduated in 2012 with a Bachelors degree with Honours in Osteopathy and has a diploma in Sports Massage Therapy. Claire also has qualifications in Cranial Osteopathy and kinesiology taping. Claire is registered with the General Osteopathic council and a fully insured member of the Institute of Osteopathy.


Claire is experienced in treating a broad spectrum of patients including adults, children, the elderly, pregnant women and new mothers and sports injuries. She uses a variety of techniques to ensure the most appropriate and effective course of treatment for each patient, whether it is for a specific pain or injury, or to ease general tension and improve posture.

Claire focuses on providing individual treatments with a variety of techniques to reduce pain, improve movement, prevent injuries and help patients to perform at their best, whether that's in the work place, at home or for competitions. Through personalised advice, Claire also helps people become more aware of their own bodies and posture, suggesting ways for them to help themselves.

Sports Massage:

Sports massage treatments uses a combination of deep tissue massage and muscle stretching to optimise muscle health, relieve tension, encourage relaxation, improve performance and help prevent injury. Suitable for everyone from professional athletes to novices or for easing general tension from caused by work or lifestyle.

Claire uses a variety of techniques such as; deep tissue massage, neuromuscular techniques, trigger point release, myofascial release, stretching and lymphatic drainage.

Treatments can be for specific areas of pain or injury or a full body massage. The pressure used is adjusted to suit induvial preference.Claire has been a practicing therapist for over nine years having graduated in 2012 with a Bachelors degree with Honours in Osteopathy and has a diploma in Sports Massage Therapy. Claire also has qualifications in Cranial Osteopathy and kinesiology taping. Claire is registered with the General Osteopathic council and a fully insured member of the Institute of Osteopathy.


Claire is experienced in treating a broad spectrum of patients including adults, children, the elderly, pregnant women and new mothers and sports injuries. She uses a variety of techniques to ensure the most appropriate and effective course of treatment for each patient, whether it is for a specific pain or injury, or to ease general tension and improve posture.

Claire focuses on providing individual treatments with a variety of techniques to reduce pain, improve movement, prevent injuries and help patients to perform at their best, whether that's in the work place, at home or for competitions. Through personalised advice, Claire also helps people become more aware of their own bodies and posture, suggesting ways for them to help themselves.

Sports Massage:

Sports massage treatments uses a combination of deep tissue massage and muscle stretching to optimise muscle health, relieve tension, encourage relaxation, improve performance and help prevent injury. Suitable for everyone from professional athletes to novices or for easing general tension from caused by work or lifestyle.

Claire uses a variety of techniques such as; deep tissue massage, neuromuscular techniques, trigger point release, myofascial release, stretching and lymphatic drainage.

Treatments can be for specific areas of pain or injury or a full body massage. The pressure used is adjusted to suit induvial preference.Claire has been a practicing therapist for over nine years having graduated in 2012 with a Bachelors degree with Honours in Osteopathy and has a diploma in Sports Massage Therapy. Claire also has qualifications in Cranial Osteopathy and kinesiology taping. Claire is registered with the General Osteopathic council and a fully insured member of the Institute of Osteopathy.


Claire is experienced in treating a broad spectrum of patients including adults, children, the elderly, pregnant women and new mothers and sports injuries. She uses a variety of techniques to ensure the most appropriate and effective course of treatment for each patient, whether it is for a specific pain or injury, or to ease general tension and improve posture.

Claire focuses on providing individual treatments with a variety of techniques to reduce pain, improve movement, prevent injuries and help patients to perform at their best, whether that's in the work place, at home or for competitions. Through personalised advice, Claire also helps people become more aware of their own bodies and posture, suggesting ways for them to help themselves.

Sports Massage:

Sports massage treatments uses a combination of deep tissue massage and muscle stretching to optimise muscle health, relieve tension, encourage relaxation, improve performance and help prevent injury. Suitable for everyone from professional athletes to novices or for easing general tension from caused by work or lifestyle.

Claire uses a variety of techniques such as; deep tissue massage, neuromuscular techniques, trigger point release, myofascial release, stretching and lymphatic drainage.

Treatments can be for specific areas of pain or injury or a full body massage. The pressure used is adjusted to suit induvial preference.

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Zofia Baehr

Senior Osteopath

Zofia received her Master’s degree from the European School of Osteopathy, she is a registered Osteopath and a member of the Institute of Osteopathy. To continue her education, she participates in ongoing professional development seminars. Zofia has always wanted to work with children and specialise in Paediatric Osteopathy. That is why she undertook a postgraduate course in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children. Zofia was familiar with Osteopathy from an early age. As a child, she was very sporty, which led to many injuries. However, by being treated by an Osteopath on a regular basis, she witnessed some amazing changes. It helped her understand, how important the holistic approach to the body is.

Although Zofia is interested in the cranial field, she uses a variety of structural, functional, and visceral methods. Zofia takes a detailed case history, which enables her to establish a connection with her patients and understand their stories. Before treatment, she discusses techniques with the patient, which are then adapted to their needs. She may also give some exercises or self-managing tips. Zofia treats patients of all ages, but she is particularly interested in working with babies and children. She has been practising for 3 years, during which she treated many very different patients with various conditions. She had to adjust her ways of treating, which helped her in being flexible with the techniques she uses. Additionally, she has gained experience in sports, women’s health and maternity clinics, and a clinic specialising in the treatment of headaches. She has also done a kinesiotaping course, which enabled her to respond to further patients needs.

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Rory Boggett

Senior Osteopath & Sports Massage

Rory graduated with a First degree from Kingston University and has a background in rehabilitation for long-term medical conditions working both privately, and in an NHS setting. Rory’s passion for Osteopathy came from his commitment to helping people to find health. Osteopathy is ideally suited to catering to the needs of the patient, treating the person as a whole. Rory works with a wide range of populations and has extensive training in exercise prescription to assist prevention of further injury.

Rory is also a qualified Sports Massage therapist, and has experience with a range of athletes, from kickboxers and tennis players to footballers and marathon runners. His expert advice in rehabilitation and program design will help you to keep you performing at your best, and aid in releasing stressed and painful joints that may be interfering with your goals. He utilizes deep tissue techniques to assist the recovery of tissues and keep you performing at your best. Rory also utilizes trigger point therapy, myofascial release and lymphatic drainage to release tension and stress held within the body.

Rory uses a mixture of approaches in his Osteopathy appointments to best address the restrictions at hand, ensuring that your body has the optimal opportunity to return to health. This includes joint mobilizations, soft tissue work and manipulations.

Rory has extensive experience with a wide range of backgrounds, from sports athletes to the elderly, as well as post-surgical rehabilitation. Rory will assist you to develop a treatment plan which will ensure a strong recovery. Rory has committed to a holistic approach to health, undergoing specialist training with the C.H.E.K institute as well as cardiac rehabilitation, and undergoing his Postural Stability Instructor qualification for Falls Prevention.

In his spare time, Rory actively trains with Kettlebells, free weights and enjoys regular walks in the Surrey countryside. Rory has a commitment to developing Osteopathy in the UK, and is seeking his Postgraduate studies in Classical Osteopathy and seeks to broaden his knowledge of cranial techniques.

Alongside his registered status as an Osteopath, he also holds membership with the Institute of Osteopathy, the UK professional body for Osteopathy.


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Federico Vermiglio

Personal Trainer


Federico grew up in Italy and has a huge passion for sport and fitness having competed at national level in both Karate and Football. Whilst in Italy Federico obtained a University degree in Sport Science from the University of Genoa along with a qualification in Personal Training and Sports massaging.

Federico’s work experience in Italy included working for a Italian football league teams and local gyms as a fitness and as nutrition coach. Federico has dedicated the last ten years to studying how to change people lives.

He has delivered thousands of training sessions in two countries and his goal is to give others effective solutions for a lifelong change. During his sports career and now experience, Federico has seen so many people struggling with injuries and weight-related issues, including himself. And if you are one of these right now, Federico is here to help. His mission is to enable people to live a better life. You may be wondering how?

Federico wants to empower you to make a change, whether you want to lose weight, recover from an injury, gain muscles or simply be healthier.

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Susanna Fall

Nutritional Medicine Consultant

Susanna Fall is a Pharmacist and Lifestyle & Nutritional Medicine Consultant.


She grew up in Italy, and she completed her master's degree at the University of Padua in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology with a specialisation in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Following her degree, she worked as a pharmacist in Italy.

After moving to London, Susanna joined the UK General Pharmaceutical Council as a certified pharmacist and worked in community pharmacies. After a few years of practising, Susanna realised how drugs on their own were often not enough to re-establish health. It was evident that a more integrated approach was needed. She, therefore, decided to broaden her knowledge in lifestyle and nutrition.

As a result, Susanna qualified as a Nutritional Therapist with a Postgraduate Diploma in Personalised Nutrition Awarded by Middlesex University in collaboration with the Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management (CNELM). During her studies, she completed the Nutritional Therapy Practice Diploma (NTPD) awarded by the CNELM and accredited by the UK's Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC). She also qualified as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner & Dietary Educator.

Susanna uses an integrated approach to combine her 10+ years of experience as a pharmacist with her nutritional and coaching knowledge to help her clients achieve their health goals. She provides one-to-one consultation to clients presenting with various health concerns, chronic conditions, and medications.

She uses an evidence-based integrative medicine approach to address the root cause of her client's health imbalances. In addition, Susanna creates nutritional and lifestyle interventions tailored to the individual's needs. She works by empowering and supporting her clients while developing healthy habits and maintaining them along with their life.

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Melissa Thompson

Psychotherapist and Counsellor

Melissa is a professional counsellor and life coach who has extensive experience in supporting clients with differing mental and emotional ailments.

Melissa is passionate about providing support in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space for people who are tired of trying to navigate through life alone feeling stuck or confused.

Rather than providing you with answers, Melissa aims to empower and liberate you to make the changes you need to create a more authentic and fulfilling life.

She provides different counselling and coaching services tailored to support attaining personal and professional goals.

You can work with Melissa in one to one counselling sessions, group therapy or one to one life coaching sessions.

Reaching out for help can be hard but if you are ready to finally experience transformation in the areas of your life that have been keeping you bound Melissa can provide you with the support you need.

One to one counselling

During one to one counselling sessions Melissa primarily draws upon person-centred, psychodynamic, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) and solution focused approaches and resources.

Areas of support in counselling include:

· Anxiety

· Depression

· Phobias

· Body dysmorphic disorder

· Relationships

· Self-esteem

· Stress management

· Anger management

· Post-natal depression

· Emotional and physical abuse

· Chronic pain/pain management

· Clarifying life purpose

· Dealing with particular life transitions

Life coaching

During life coaching sessions, Melissa will listen intently to you and give you honest feedback to assist you with uncovering your existing strengths, who you are, your values and what it is you would like to change in your life.

In the coaching relationship with Melissa she works together with clients in an action focussed way creating realistic strategies to help them bring to fruition their desired goals usually within an agreed time frame.

Melissa’s coaching approach is a combination of integrative techniques and intuition to maximise on the support and guidance provided to you. This means coaching sessions are always tailored to each individuals’ specific needs and desired goal using different coaching styles such as NLP (neurolinguistics programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Humanistic, GROW model, visualisations, guided meditations & hypnosis skills.

Areas of support in life coaching include:

· Career change

· Increase self-awareness

· Self-development

· Clarify life purpose

· Clarify own values and passions

· Increase productivity

· Create a work/life balance

· Fostering better connections professionally and personally

· Creating professional and personal growth

· Managing life transitions

Group Therapy

Melissa facilitates weekly group therapy sessions where people can share their concerns in a safe space with others that are going through a similar experience.

During a group session, everyone will be welcomed to share their experiences and work on understanding themselves in a compassionate and therapeutic environment.

This group setting can help people realise that they are not alone and help their journey towards improving their mental health.

Group therapy is open for a maximum of 10 people.

The theme for the forthcoming Group Therapy will be ‘Surviving Covid 19’. This group is for individuals that lives have been negatively impacted by the effects of Covid 19. (This does not mean that you need to have previously contracted the virus to join).

This group is for you if you are currently struggling to maintain social connections, feeling lonely, feeling anxious, experiencing low moods, worried about getting sick, worried about loved ones getting sick, worried about financial insecurity and employment.

The whole experience is enough to make anyone feel confused, anxious, frustrated and guilty for those feelings, no matter how much you try to tell yourself that things could be worse.

Join this Group Therapy to help you emerge from the darkness of the pandemic as new whole person. We’re all in this together.

Book now with Melissa Thompson